Neutrino astronomy in the Mediterranean! January 29, 2007- January 29th, 2007 Neutrino astronomy in the Mediterranean! On January 29, at dawn, the last of the 3 recently immersed lines was connected, and the 5 lines that make the Antares detector were powered. At the end of the…
Neutrino and muon production January 29, 2007 - In the simplest scheme a proton from cosmic rays interacts on a nucleus of the atmosphere and produces neutral and charged pions giving respectively photons, and 2 nm and one ne (no difference is made between neutrinos and anti-neutrinos since they give the same…Welcome line 2 ! September 21, 2006- September 21st, 2006 Welcome line 2 ! The connection of the second line occured on septembre 21st at 14:57. Immediately after the connexion, all electronics cards responded to the on-shore commands and shortly after the first "two-lines" muons were recorded. More…
Line #1 June 20, 2006 - (c) L.Fabre/CEA La ligne 1 est la première des 12 lignes d'Antares. Elle est composée de 25 étages comprenant chacun trois modules optiques. La zone instrumentée de la ligne fait environ 350 mètres de haut. Le premier muon Le…
line #2 June 20, 2006 - Line #2. La ligne N°2 Detection of first muons with two linesLine 2 is the second Antares line out of 12. It is identical to the line 1 that has been taking data since March. The two pictures below come…First line taking data ! March 2, 2006- March 2nd, 2006 First line taking data ! After its successful deployment on February 14th, the first Antares line was connected deep undersea to the junction box on March 2nd. At 12:11 the line was powered up and data were…
The Japan earthquake detected August 30, 2005- August 30th, 2005 The Japan earthquake detected A seismometre rests at a depth of 2500 metres on the mediterranean sea bed, linked by a 50 metre cable to the MILOM deployed last March. On August 30th, this seismometre recorded the…
MILOM : A new major step March 17, 2005- March 17th, 2005 MILOM : A new major step On March 17th, the so-called MILOM instrumented line was immersed at the Antares site. Its goal is to continuously measure the sea environment parameters. Its optical beacons will be used for…