
KM3NeT detects the highest energy neutrino ever. February 14, 2025 - On Wednesday Feb. 12th, the KM3NeT collaboration announced the detection of the highest energy neutrino ever detected, dubbed KM3-230213A, of an energy of the order of 200 PeV.  Congratulations to our KM3NeT Colleagues for this discovery ! It is the…
A celebration of the ANTARES neutrino telescope – October 18th 2023 in Paris October 19, 2023 - During the joint ANTARES/KM3NeT Collaboration meetings in Paris from 16th to 20th October, the ANTARES Collaboration and former ANTARES contributors and colleagues gathered on Wednesday October 18th to celebrate the end of the data taking with ANTARES, dismantled last year. …
A neutrino diffuse signal from the Milky Way detected by IceCube June 29, 2023 - The galactic ridge is a region of the inner galaxy coincident with the galactic plane of the Milky Way. Interactions of cosmic ray protons, atomic nuclei, and electrons in the interstellar medium in this region produce a flux of gamma-ray…
The New ANTARES Web Site is online ! May 24, 2023 - You are currently reading the brand new ANTARES Web Site ! Don't panic, the historical one is still accessible at this link !
Hint for a TeV neutrino emission from the center of the Milky Way with ANTARES December 23, 2022 - The Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) has detected a diffuse emission of high-energy gamma-ray photons (up to several TeV) from the inner part of the Milky Way known as the Galactic Ridge. A similar neutrino flux is expected from the…
IceCube finds evidence from High Energy neutrino emission from NGC1068 November 4, 2022 - ANTARES congratulates IceCube for their highly significant (4.2σ) observation of a new High Energy neutrino source NGC1068, a galaxy 47 million light years away with an active galactic nucleus. The announcement of this evidence for a high energy neutrino emission…
ANTARES data for the search for Non-Standard Interactions September 20, 2022Fig4_NSIa - ANTARES is now fully dismantled, but analyses, publications, and data releases are going on. Non-standard interactions of neutrinos arising in many theories beyond the Standard Model can significantly alter matter effects in atmospheric neutrino propagation through the Earth. In this…
ANTARES is now fully dismantled… June 23, 2022 - The disconnection of the interlink cables between the junction box and the line anchors, carried out with the manned Nautile submarine on 12/02/2022, defined the end of data taking of the ANTARES detector. As a natural follow-up step, two dismantling campaigns took…
Statement about Ukraine of the ANTARES Collaboration May 22, 2022 - The ANTARES Collaboration is deeply shocked by Russia’s attack on Ukraine and the horror it brings to the Ukrainian people. We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian citizens and have suspended all institutional cooperation with Russian science organisations. We deeply…
The ANTARES adventure February 10, 2022deployment of storeys - Mid-February, 2022, after 16 years of continuous operation, the first deep sea neutrino telescope, ANTARES, was powered down for the last time. Neutrino astronomy has the objective to identify the astrophysical sources of cosmic rays and the mechanisms of their…